Day Habilitation
Some individuals need and want other services throughout the day, so they can participate in Skyline's Day Habilitation (Community Integration) program. This assists with improvement or maintenance of physical, emotional, sensory and intellectual skills by providing services that are non-work related.
Day habilitation services offer a menu of community integrated experiences which include volunteering at community businesses, visits to local attractions, and other activities identified through our person-centered service model.
Services are designed to enable or enhance the individual’s:
• Intellectual functioning
• Physical and emotional health and development
• Language and communication development
• Cognitive functioning
• Socialization and community integration
• Functional skill development
• Behavior management
• Responsibility and self-direction
• Daily living activities
• Self-advocacy skills
• Mobility
Day Habilitation services are available to assist individuals in developing or maintaining life skills and community integration. Customized services for physical and mental disabilities are offered. Services may include training families in treatment and support methodologies or in the care and use of equipment. Family training may be provided in the individual’s home.

Bell Ringer